Wake Up Laughing

I was trying to remember how long it’s been that I haven’t used an alarm. At all. I learned some years ago, that you just tell yourself and decide when you want to wake up in the morning. Set the intention, and you must also have faith that you will wake up. With a bit of practice and experimenting, I found that it truly works!

It can be at various times in the morning, not the same time every day that your ‘body clock’ would be accustomed to waking up. When I’ve needed to wake at 4:45 the mornings I had to get Owen to hockey, I would wake up. When I wanted to wake at 3:50, giving myself a few minutes before I wanted to be up at 4 to illustrate, I would wake up. If I knew I needed the sleep, I would wake at 5:50 when I wanted the time to wake and get ready for walking the dog.

I just decide. It’s that easy. Many times, I will snap awake mid-dream, since it’s the time I decided to wake up. Those times especially still amaze me. So I was thinking back, I couldn’t remember when this all started but I know it’s been at least 5 years. I also know I did read that Nikola Tesla knew how to do this and mastered not only the waking on command, but also falling asleep when willed as well.

In the last couple of months, it started to feel uncanny. That I could change up day to day, the time I wanted to wake and it would happen, which is not unusual, but I am a person of numbers. The Universe speaks to me in numbers and specific numbers are meaningful. Any time I do awaken in the night, I open my eyes and look at the clock, I just laugh. I am simultaneously amazed and amused. It’s always meaningful, always a communication. And when I wake up for the time I want to rise, I laugh again.

It has gotten to the point that if I don’t decide a time I want to wake up, I wake up at the exact perfect moment I need to wake up to do the routine I feel is non-negotiable for my morning. And if it’s a day I don’t need to be up for work, I sleep until the perfect moment to start the weekend day.

A few weeks ago, I picked up a book of mine that I haven’t read in a few years: The Power of your Subconscious Mind. At the end of Chapter 1, it is stated in point number 3 of the chapter summery: ‘If you suggest to your subconscious prior to sleep, “I want to get up at 6:00 am,” it will awaken you at that exact time.’ I read this, and laughed again. I had forgotten I read it here too.

I write things down that I feel are good lessons or help my understanding of things, or various ideas. I made notes from March of 2019 that I was reading The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. I knew I would have written about it as there were many points I wanted to remember, and found helpful.

I was telling my sisters about this book again, this reading, and told them that I wake up laughing. This made us think of our aunt, who is the most positive, joyful person we know. It would be something she would very much relate to, approve of and encourage. And I know that my aunt Cathie would agree that such a way to wake up in the morning, is just wonderful.

Sending Love,


2 thoughts on “Wake Up Laughing

  1. You continue to amaze me Devon. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is one of my favorite books. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. Have a great day.

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