
I have decided that it’s time to expand my art and illustration work. I started my Instagram page in March of 2018 and my blog site at the same time. You will see a bit of a different look here on this site. It will become more of a website with a galley of my illustrations and blog link attached. The blog isn’t going anywhere. I would like a way to feature the illustrations just as much as the blog, now that I have a portfolio. In the beginning, it wasn’t set up that way as I didn’t have a portfolio to showcase. But after 3.5 years, I do have a collection now, since I have been creating an art piece 3 times a week.

I did something out of my comfort zone this week and made a Reel on Instagram for the first time. A Reel being a short video clip to music. Check it out! Just a short segment of myself showcasing a few pieces.

I had reached out to someone through Instagram that does marketing. We had a call to discuss my page and he shared some suggestions with me. I decided that if I want to expand and showcase this work, what better way than getting the expertise of someone who has a proven track record. ‘By their fruits you will know them,’ as Bob Proctor said about obtaining advice from people who have done the work. Why continue to plug away guessing when I could bring someone into my ‘corner.’ I had seen a post a few months ago from him offering marketing help and I thought on it a few times over the following weeks. It got to the point that I realized I needed to do it, I wanted to do it, to see for myself. And take my work onward and upward.

I hope you enjoy the new look to come, thanks for sticking with me!

Sending Love,


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