Will Power

Will Power (dictionary): The ability to control oneself and determine one’s actions.

Napoleon Hill’s: Think and Grow Rich – page 172:

“Encourage the presence of these (positive) emotions as the dominating thoughts in one’s mind, and discourage the presence of all the destructive emotions. The mind is a creature of habit. It thrives upon the dominating thoughts fed it. Through the faculty of will-power, one may discourage the presence of any emotion, and encourage the presence of any other. Control of the mind, through the power of will, is not difficult. Control comes from persistence, and habit. The secret of control lies in understanding the process of transmutation. When any negative emotion presents itself in one’s mind, it can be transmuted into a positive, or constructive emotion, by the simple procedure of changing one’s thoughts.”

Will Power is most commonly talked of in context with actions such as restraint with eating sweets for example, or continuing with consistency, actions such as exercise. I’ve been finding more and more lately in my study of mindset, reading about consciousness and growth and improvement of someone’s life experience, the discussion around Will Power. Will Power is an important thread and the description I read, above from Napoleon Hill’s book, explains exactly why Will Power is vital to improvement of oneself.

I’ve tried often to flip thoughts – transmute them – from negative to positive. But there are many circumstances where I realize I am not as successful as I would like to be. Or I have some negative thoughts which my mind is so committed to in those moments that I forget to flip them around, and then a few negative thoughts continue into a whole negative script.

What I realize now is this transmutation is a practice in Will Power. For myself as well, I want to direct this will power towards belief. Belief that I can be successful at this. No matter how long it takes to master.

And why is this so important? “You can only attract to you what vibrates in harmony with you.” (Bob Proctor said this plus so many other sources who have studied this). Positive thoughts equals a positive life.

Sending Love,


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