Walks and Hello’s

“I always say ‘good morning,’ or ‘hello,’ when out on my morning walks. Some people seem surprised. The first time, they might not even look up at all. The next time, they smile. Then after that, it’s a more enthusiastic ‘hello!’ that they respond with.” This is what my aunt tells me as we met for a walk recently. I like to say hello to people too, although maybe more so reserved than she does. If someone makes no eye contact or seems to be listening to their phone, I don’t, but I will smile or say hello to most.

This always makes me think of my grandpa, her dad. ‘Traits from Grandpa.’ He was a minister with the United Church and was a very social person. It was his job, really. Visiting people, conversations, getting to know them, and letting them get to know him. He loved people. You might recall I have written about him before. That he brought with him, little stashes of paper, it might have a simple joke, a gratitude thought, or some kind of a picture riddle. He would put it down in front of someone that might be all alone having a coffee somewhere. He was a quiet and gentle person, that cared a lot.

So simple things like saying hello and watching the opening up or warming up of someone, is very much a grandpa thing to do. It’s just being a friendly face, and recognizing when someone really needs that friendly smile or greeting.

I’ve also interestingly observed how my morning dog walks unfold in a similar way. We have had our dog for a year now. We’ve never had a dog before, and so though the winter, I would take the pup out for 30 minutes, from 6-6:30am. Walk a short distance down the road and let him run in a park field. Then walk the short distance back. However, as the light of the morning extended, I have gone out from 5:40-6:25 every day for a walk, following the main road that leads along our lake, and then turning around to come back home. After a couple of weeks, I happened to look up right when the bus was going by and the driver was smiling and waving at me. I waved back. A few other ‘regulars’ were waving and truth be told, I need glasses for distance, so they probably recognize or know me, but I haven’t a clue who is waving at me from the drivers seat 😅. Or they saw me so regularly, that they, like the bus driver, just started waving.

One day, while at the grocery store, a lady working there said to me, “do you walk your dog every morning? A golden looking one.” When I said yes, she explained that she passes me every day and now knows whether she is on time or delayed based on where she sees me. She said, “I’ll wave at you next time!”

And that’s how people end up waving. and when my aunt was saying this on our walk recently, that’s how I realize the way I am much like her and grandpa. One person waiting for that morning bus never acknowledged anyone, but I’d say hi because I am not going to ignore people, it’s just not my nature. Now, that person looks up smiling and says ‘hi’ first.

My aunt, mom, my boys and I had our walk together at the end of August. And it was on grandpa’s birthday. He isn’t with us physically anymore, but as you can see, he actually still is with us.

Sending Love,


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